What are Dental Veneers, and When are They Used?

Strikingly-white, straight, perfect teeth. It’s something we all want – and especially so during our teen years. Whitening kits and toothpastes can help, and sneak-arounds like sipping coffee and soda through a straw can also aid the cause. But what do you do when one of your kid’s teeth gets cracked or chipped – or is genetically off-color or misshapen? Dental veneers may be the answer.

What is a Veneer?

A “veneer” is a wafer-thin layer of material molded to the surface of a tooth to correct a chip or crack, or to enhance its cosmetic appearance. Veneers are made of either porcelain or a composite synthetic resin, such as acrylic polymer or polymethyl methacrylate. These materials are used in dentistry because of their ability to create a strong bond with the tooth, and their ability to mimic the natural color of adjacent teeth. Veneers can either be placed directly onto a tooth at the dental office, or fabricated off-site in a dental laboratory.

Read more at: http://tinyurl.com/jtobkhl

Related article: Here’s What It’s Really Like to Get Dental Veneers

Related Article: http://www.myimagedental.com/services/cosmetic-dentistry/veneers

Author: Image Dental

Dr. Stephen Nozaki was born here in the Central Valley and is a fourth generation Japanese American. Being the son of a missionary doctor, he spent many years abroad in places like Singapore, Taiwan and Guam. After graduating from high school in Guam in 1991, he received his undergraduate degree from California State University in biology. He then pursued his masters degree in epidemiology and doctorate degree from Loma Linda University in southern California. Dr. Nozaki completed his fellowship with the International Dental Implant Association in 2014. He continues to learn the latest technology and modern dental techniques. Dr. Nozaki is a member of the ADA, CDA, the local San Joaquin Dental Society. He is also a diplomate with the International Dental Implant Association. During his free time, he enjoys photography, snowboarding, surfing, golfing, mountain biking, scuba diving, running and spending quality time with his wife, family and friends. Image Dental 3453 Brookside Road, Suite A Stockton, CA 95219 (209) 955-1500

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